Different Career Opportunities in Digital Design

Different Career Opportunities in Digital Design

Digital Design is more relevant now than ever before as everything is going digital. When you hear the word –digital design, what rings in your mind? Is it an app design or web design, or UI/UX? Well, frankly speaking, it’s all of these.

Digital design is an umbrella of visual communication that presents information or a product or service through a digital interface.

Let’s have a look at some of the foremost roles that fall within the realm of digital design:

  • UX Designer

UX Designer’s main focus is to make a product, service, or technology as user-friendly and accessible as possible. He is the one who is responsible for making a product enjoyable for the user to interact.


  • UI Designer

UI Designer’s main focus is to make the design of the product as interactive as possible. He is the one who takes care of the colours, image, typography, spacing, visual design, animation, and responsiveness of the product.

  • Web-Designer

Web-Designer’s main focus is to create the layout and design of the website. He is the one who takes care of even the minutest details about the font, colour, and graphics of the website.

  • VFX Designer

VFX Designer’s main focus is to create visual images for movies and television. He is the one who takes care of the digital elements of the movie that look realistic but larger than life.

  • Game Designer

Game Designer’s main focus is to conceptualize the whole game and its elements. He is the one who gestates the plots, levels, environment, characters, and other interactions of the game.


If you are thinking about becoming any of the above professionals then you are at the right place.

Explorra School of Design & Technology offers pathway programs in Digital designs where you can study the first year in India and the last two years in the UK or Canada. Explorra School has strategically curated pathway programs offering design courses in the UK as well as design programs in Canada in partnership with topmost government-run colleges like Red River College, Canada and City of Glasgow College, UK.

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