Problem Solving- The Design Thinking Way

No business can exist without customers. A customer is the focal point of any organization. In the world in which we live, everything is going digital. We can say that the world is shrinking, but the competition is expanding. Companies are toiling hard to sustain themselves or stand out from the rest of their competitors.

Design Thinking is one strategy that can help organisations survive, progress, or compete effectively with their competitors. Design Thinking is a customer-focused strategy that is human-centric. It is centred on gaining a thorough understanding of the needs of the end-users for whom businesses produce goods or provide services.

As several creative businesses have been distinguishing their product or service offerings by utilising this method, Design Thinking has started gaining more recognition in recent years.

Organizations can encourage a more conducive climate for innovation by inviting fresh perspectives into the development process. According to an Adobe survey, 71% of businesses employed design thinking to develop around 10 times as many assets in a short period of time.

Design Thinking encourages thinking outside the box and challenges established norms to produce paradigm-shifting ideas. The ability of the corporate setting to experiment with novel models and take risks is also put to the test. It brings a company and its customers closer together.

The Design Thinking Approach will let organisations:

  • Understand the end-users and their needs
  • Observe real users and their reactions
  • Empathise with end-users
  • Define users’ needs and problems
  • Ideate to Generate multiple ideas for innovative solutions
  • Prototype Convert idea (a mental Construct) into tangible form either on paper or digital.
  • Present solutions
  • Reflect on ideas incase of discrepancies or Enthuse to build momentum for implementation of the proposed solution
8 Stages of Design Thinking | Explorra Consulting

In Short, Design Thinking can help Organizations to:

  • Tackle difficult or complex Challenges
  • Increase Organization’s Productivity
  • Bring cultural change into the organization
  • Effectively meeting client requirements
  • Understanding the emotional value that employees bring in

There is no doubt that Design Thinking is going to transform the way organisations work and create value. Organisations are now becoming more customer-centric than product-centric, and they are also shifting their focus from engineering-driven thinking to design-driven thinking.

Design thinking will benefit your organisation in more ways than one:

  • It will give you the opportunity to view a problem from a different perspective.
  • It will allow you to delve into a problem to determine its root cause.
  • It will encourage innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.
  • It will Ensure that the final outcome meets objectives and client requirements.
  • It will result in an experience that is more effective and informative for your learners.
  • It will enable you to continually expand your knowledge.

Contact our team now to learn more about how to incorporate design thinking ideas. Design Thinking is not a trend that will fade away; it is going to be around for a very long time…